

  • 5
  • 10 jaar vanaf nu

    I would like this to be my everyday routine. In the mornings, I would first take care of the animals on my farm, and then (from about 7am-12pm) I would take a few people out to catch walleye, perch, bass, etc.. After the charter, I would make my way over to my job in a lab. I would spend the rest of the day coming up with all new natural formulas for shampoo, makeup, and other body care products. Once I’m done, I would go home and make sure that all of the animals get their supper and then go to bed. During the summer months, I would go down to florida where my parents are planning to retire and help with my dad’s fishing business down there.

  • Je favoriete boek/schrijver/films

    I love all of the classics like Lord of the Flies, Phantom of the Opera, Gone With the Wind, and The Three Musketeers.
