

  • 1
  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    My favourite authors are Tom Wright (UK), T.C. Boyle (USA) and Ljudmila Ulitzkaja (RUS). Currently I'm reading "World's End".

  • За границу на один год

    If I could live abroad, as a wish granted by a benevolent fairy, I would choose Scotland or Sweden, maybe Poland. Or Kenya.

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I've travelled to quite a few countries when I was young (not so mich now), mainly European ones, with the exception of Syria, before the civil war.

  • Мои достижения

    ...is having and raising children. At the same time it is my biggest challenge.

  • Испытания

    I think this is happening now: To adapt to the changes that are happening in my life, and to learn to live with major uncertainties.

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    Generally, I don't like to talk much. I prefer writing by far. I like almost any topics, except fashion, cars and snakes.

