

  • 11m
  • Something to tell the world!

    Hi, I live in Milan and I'm 15yo.
    I really like to talk about books, universe, theories and misteries about everything.
    I like to increase my knowledge in every topic I can think of, from theorical, to practical, to physical, I guess you could say it's my favorite hobby.
    I've just started an online clothing shop with my best friend and it’s a challenge for us to create a shop starting from nothing.
    I don't think I'm the average 15yo boy and I feel uncomfortable to go out with friends of my age I meet in school or in my city but not in a negative sense, I actually really like how I am.
    Text me if you want and we can talk about everything.

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I could literally talk 24/24 about the universe and it's wonders and misteries.
    also sometimes I start thinking about deep topic and I really like to explain them and compare my ideas to others.
    I might start to talk about myself and not stop, it’s just that I like myself and find myself interesting

  • Personal skills

    I can sleep less than the average and I won’t be tired, I really like the night with it's atmosphere and the silence it take when it comes so I sometimes stay awake until 5 or 6 in the morning when the sun rise and people wake up.
    I'm really good at thinking and with logic, there are a lot of things I don't know that I'd like to know and there are others that I will never know but I manage to fill that void with logic and reasoning.

  • My opinion on human nature

    I think that humans are selfish and they should be.
    if you don't have any dream for your life, it's a sad thing, and if you have, without being at least a little bit selfish you probably won't achieve it.
    Still, most of humans are too selfish and if they don't control it, selfishness can hurt people

  • A personal challenge

    I just had an health issue this year.
    It was so bad that I had problem to remember things, I slept 20 hours a day, wore sunglasses everywhere because my eyes hurt and couldn't even walk for more than 2 moths.
    I went to an hospital and stayed there for 10 days doing every kind of test to find nothing and just to hear them saying I had mental issues after what I passed and I was lying about everything so they sent me to a psychologist.
    result: I had no problem at all like I said from the start and I have an estimated mental age higher than the average.
    To heal from that I went to see an immunologist who gave me the cure and who the doctors at the hospital said wasn't needed.
    I'm actually still healing but I'm 100 times better than when I was sick.

  • As a child, I wish...

    I probably wouldn't change anything about my current self, I like how I'm now and maybe if I changed something I wouldn't be like this right now.
    also, I'm the person I am for the choice I made in the past, so I wouldn't be myself anymore, whether I like it or not.

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    I like to read science books, psychology books, philosophy books and books about old myths.
    I watch a lot of anime and TV series but I also like to watch films and I literally like every genre of film: from horror to action to sci-fi to drama

  • I'm an expert at...

    I don't think I'm an "expert" in something but I think I'm kinda good at tennis and I'm really good at logical thinking for sure

  • My proudest accomplishments

    being the only one of my entire school year to pass a math and logic test and get access to the semi-final, it was my 3rd time in semi-final (even though I never passed it)

  • My feeling about the future

    I think a lot about my future, i have different ideas of things to do and place to visit until my 30s.
    I also think that if I don't pay attention now to my hobbies and interests, I'll have none in the future.

  • Making the world a better place

    the perfect country doesn't exist and it can't exist, the reason is simple, us.
    each country maybe has a top class thing, but if we merge the country with the best economical system, the one with the best food, the one with the best political system... it still wouldn't be the perfect country because of us, there would be for sure someone or something caused by us that would make it fall

  • Improving the school system

    i'd like if we could choose more freely what to study before university.
    If we could choose just some of the subjects we study school would be more interesting.
    also, there are some subjects that are quite useless but they still make us study them in every type of school, I think they should pay more attention in the subject they teach

  • Living abroad for one year

    I've a plan with my best friend, after we finish school, we'd like to go together abroad for an year, 1 month=1 country for 12 months, and this include Asian, American and European countries.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I really like to travel but I'm still not independent so I'll have to wait.
    the best places I visited are probably the Red Sea, with the amazing fish and turtles in it and Paris, that is really beautiful and have interesting things to do

