

  • 14
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hey everyone ! I'm Dia, I live in France so I can help you in French. I've got an MSN adress and I may give it to you if you send me an e mail, or write me a comment.
    I'm searching for penpals, I don't care where you come from, if you want to meet me don't hesitate.
    Oh, maybe you want to know more about me ? I love music, (if you know a really nice song, tell me how it's called, I love discovering new songs 🙂 I'm kind (if I'm in a good mood), I appreciate to listen to my friends, I'm outgoing, I smile a lot and I'm funny. I think.
    Ok, that's it. Or I'm gonna start to say weird things. Oh I forgot to say that I'm weird. Anyway, that's all folks ! =D
    Diaa' xxx
