

  • 6
  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Well, I love talking about books because I love reading, usually I'm pretty shy but when I start talking about my favourite books I cannot stop myself!
    For the rest I can talk of everything flows in my mind!
    And yes, I could talk about the proper use of punctuation marks for hours! (In Italian they are so important but no one cares about them! People are mean sometimes)

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    If I have had the possibility to live abroad for a year, maybe I'd chose South Korea (It's such a beautiful place full of funny, lively and kind people!), Japan (I'm wrong or this is every otaku dream?) or Canada (It's such a quiet and peaceful place to live!) , and i know they're quiet different from each other but I'd love to live in places sooo much different from mine!

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I love learning about food, traditions and customes of other cultures!

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I haven't travelled a lot in my life except for school trips (in Hungary) and my graduation holidays (In Gozo), but I had a lot of funny when I was in cruise! Soo, I've visited only capitals like Budapest (and It was awesome), Istanbul (I've seen The Great Bazar and I loved it, it was like a small town inside a city) and Dubrovnik (this one was...cute, yes, I'm not a great fan of big defensive walls)

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    My favourite books...It's an hard question, but If I have to choose I'll say, the second book of the Inferorum Gemmae saga, Rubino Rosso, written by Francesca Vanessa Arcadipane, almost every book of Cassandra Clare's main saga, Shadowhunters, The Percy Jackson's Saga, and the extra books about PJ of Rick Riordan (I love this man), 'L'amore non è mai una cosa semplice' of an italian author, Anna Premoli and at last but not least, 'The Second Coming' written by John Niven.

