

  • 6
  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    I have skype if you would like to add me ! It is live😛urplepenguin17081

    I am single <3 And if there is any other questions you have, please ask <3

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    I have flew to Florida once and have driven there 2 other times. I also have driven to Kentucky. But my dream is to travel the world.

  • Мои достижения

    Being strong and pushing thru all my abuse that I have been thru. Life has thrown me many obstacles but I am still getting over them and finding new ways to get out.

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I would love to learn about all different cultures 🙂

  • Я специалист в...

    I dont feel like I am an expert at anything

  • Испытания

    My personal challenge is my home life. It definitely isn't the way I would ever have asked for it to be.

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    I dont read much but I love watching movies. My favorite movies are horror, romantic, drama, and Disney.

  • За границу на один год

    If I could live abroad for a year, I would go to Europe and get to know their life style over there.

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    I enjoy talking about just everything. Like what people are doing, how their day was, what they do for a living, how they spend their days, and things like that. I also love to roleplay

  • Делаем мир лучше

    I think we should show everyone respect. You might not like everyone but that doesnt mean you can treat them badly.

  • Навыки и умения

    I understand and care for people

  • Радости детства

    When I was a child, I used to love to go to the park that was down the road or watch the Wiggles.

  • Я недавно научился...

    I recently learned that my handicapped aunt has mono and I live with her and my grandparents because I moved out f my mom's house a few weeks back because I was being abused. Its very hard to see my aunt sick. Please keep her in your prayers.

  • Через 10 лет

    In 10 years from now, I see myself as a pediatric nurse, married with 2 kids, living somewhere nice. Im hoping I can travel

  • Я увлечен...

    Im excited to finish my sophomore year of high school because for junior year, I get to take a class that deals with nursing.

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    I understand people

  • Раньше было лучше

    My great grandma used to always tell me stories about how her and her friends used to go out every Friday night and go bowling. But today, you dont hear many teens ask their parents to go out and do stuff with their friends.

  • Сейчас лучше

    I dont know

  • Я бы хотел, чтобы люди больше знали о..

    I wish people would understand me and knew me before they judged me

  • Жаль, что в детстве я...

    As I child, I wished I could get a new dad... But now that my mom has found someone else, I wish she would just be single and not go to anyone else because everyone she has been with has hurt me.

  • Карьера без преград

    I would choose being a pediatric nurse

  • Я и мои родители

    My mom doesnt understand what really goes on inside my head when she tries to

  • Что я жду от будущего

    I think I am ready to become an adult

