

  • 5
  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I really love to read. Oftentimes horror and thriller and also fantasy. J.K. Rowling, Christopher Pike, Dan Brown, Jonathan Stroud, Simon Becket, Stephen King and so on.

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    The best thing I´ve ever had most beautifully done is my little son. 🙂

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    Certainly, I have not travelled a lot. But I certainly wish I could do so. I have been in England for a week in my time at the middle school. It was great and I am hoping we might be able to visit ireland this year, even though I will not easily understand their dialect. 😃 and I would love to visit norway sometimes in my life as I have heard that it must be simply mesmerizing. Perhaps wishes may come true.

  • Abilità personali

    I do not have any extraordinary abilities, but I love to learn new things. Like learning, if finding the time, to play the piano or try to learn italian step by step. I write a lot, short stories, yeah, but better than nothing 😃 and they are certainly not worth of publication. But it eases the mind. Plus it reconnects the synapses. And I think I am good at singing. 🙂

