

  • 6
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Hi, my Name is Cindy and I'm looking for new friends all over the world to help me improve my English.
    My Hobbies include playing music (guitar and ukulele), drawing and cooking.
    I love to read and to take walks along the beach( I live like 2min. away from the east see).
    I love to talk about anything and everything with you!

    I'm a bit Oldschool so I prefer writing letters 🙂.

  • Quelque chose d'inhabituel sur moi

    I think the unusual thing about me is that I used to work at a circus.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    My go to movies are the Hobbit and Harry Potter.

    I also like Crime and Aktion movies.

    Same goes for books.

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    I would love to move to Scotland. I really like the culture and the people there!
    And of course the whiskey 🙂

  • Villes et pays visités

    I've been to Denmark before..

