

  • 3
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    hello every one I'm chathuni from sri lanka. I enjoy talking with people so hope I ca make good friends here I prefer people live outside sri lanka because I wanna know about their cultures and opinions and etc .

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I haven't visited any country yet but I've visited colombo our capital( it's known to be the capitals but it's not actually it's our commercial capital),anuradhapura a city full of history ,kandy,nuwara eliya , badulla and etc.

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I really like to learn cultures of east Asian countries like china japan and Korea . And also European cultures also . they are totally different from Asian cultures

  • 저는 ~의 전문가 입니다.

    I play guitar and violin . I'm an expert at listening to others I like studying and listening to all types of music genres .

  • 나의 자랑스러운 업적

    I could give gifts for my parents and sister with my own money

  • 개인적인 도전

    I can't concentrate for much time so my greatest challenge is to sit at one place and studying for few more hours than I do now and also to write a journal .

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    my favourite film so far was Harry potter ,lord of rings and wimpy kid (there are so many favorites though) and I enjoy reading fictions and all types of books . I loved reading the the books of Arthur C Clarke . since I was about 11 .

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    I wanna go to china . then the next choice is korea .and as third I prefer france because of my mom's influence I always enjoyed listening to my mom's experience from france. And Norway of course .

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    i always like to talk about different countries and cultures and also science and technology music also specially pop and rock .

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    if people try to understand each other more and if they are not selfish world would have been a better place than now and obviously end of covid

  • 개인적인 기술

    I listen to people more than others do most of people talk too much without listening to others opinion
    I play violin and guitar . I always used to think and imagine a lot so I think it is also my personal skill lol

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    I liked to play in paddy fields and beach when I was young I even punished by mother when I come home with lots of mud in cloths and legs. and also all the times with my friends .

  • 최근에 ~를 배웠습니다.

    I recently start learning Chinese language and stock market

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    A lecturer at a university a research scientist on life sciences .

  • 저는 ~에 대해 흥미를 느낍니다 (신납니다).

    these days I'm excited about marine sciences
    psychology, Animal science , surgeries ,k pop and Norway ,china and korea

  • 옛날이 더 좋았어요

    when people have time to spend more time with there family and friends and they didn't even have privet tutoring they learned at school

  • 지금이 더 나아요

    we got technology so we are far above than our parents than they were in our age

