

  • 2
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    Hi! my name is Skyler or Skye, and I use he/she/they pronouns. I am genderfluid, trans, lesbian, ace, and demi. I have adhd, and really like to read! I love animals, thrifting, and meeting new friends.

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    too many to count, but felix ever after is my all time fav book. noteworthy is also amazing and a few other things are up there.

  • Una sfida personale

    i have come out to my family and am changing my name and transitioning, as well as actively struggling with anxiety, depression, anorexia, and some other things, which is pretty hard.

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    I came out and swam with dolphins and sharks and otters. I also have read SO MANY BOOKS.

  • Adoro parlare di...

    gay things and animals, fashion and books and room decor.

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    I would go to the UK! it seems fun. or maybe florence italy or somewhere else.

  • Sono un esperto di...

    nothing. saying I was would be bragging or me being full of myself. i am not an expert.

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I have visited isreal, and switzerland, a few on the way there and back. have been to most states in the us, and hope to travel much more.

  • I miei interessi nelle altre culture

    I am an aetheist, but am open to trying anything and learning more!

