

  • 8
  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I have been to:
    As for the US, I have been to a majority of states, but not all just yet.

  • 나의 자랑스러운 업적

    I found a way to screenprint shirts without spending a trillion dollars on equipment (super easy to do and I would love to share)
    I have caught a ghost on camera TWICE
    Encyclopedic knowledge of Italian Renaissance artists, pieces, and Vasari
    Taught myself guitar

  • 다른 문화에 대한 나의 관심

    I have a minor in Japanese right now in University. It's not weeb-based I swear.
    I love the mythology of other cultures, I find it very compelling. Anthropology in relation to Art History is my projected graduate area. Tell me about what semi famous piece of art is in your local art museum and I will seethe with excitement and jealousy, that is a fact.

  • 저는 ~의 전문가 입니다.

    I am an expert at Art History regarding the Italian Renaissance right now, a close second is Classical (Hellenistic) Art.
    I also have memorized the majority of lines from Futurama, particularly good at seasons 6-7.

  • 개인적인 도전

    I'm half deaf and people are attracted to my left (deaf) ear.
    Just kidding, the hardest thing I have ever done is not pass review for Graphic Design my sophomore year of college. I stayed up for three months until four in the morning to finish everything up to get two sentences of rejection and no feedback. It really sucked, but I have confidence in my designs, as do other people. So I keep on rollin'

  • 좋아하는 책/작가/영화

    Kurosawa BITCH, LOVE THAT.
    I love horror movies -read horror, NOT gore- and will go see them in theatres no matter how cheesy and horrible they look.
    Marx and Hegel haha

  • 1년동안 외국 생활 하기

    If I could live abroad for one year...
    That 's a hard one, I would love to get the cultural immersion of living in Japan so I can achieve fluency, but also I would /love/ to write my graduate or doctoral thesis in Italy or Greece so I could be physically close to the art/artifacts.
    Aside from an academic standpoint (never stop learning!) I would love to live in Mainland China or Bhutan, just a culture that is wholly different from my own in nearly every way. I love that little stomachache that you get when you get nervous and I feel like I would probably throw up from excitement if I was given the chance to go.

  • 저는 ~에 대해 이야기 하는 것을 즐깁니다.

    I always like talking about flowers and plants. I love the environment, sometimes more than I love people.
    I love LOVE LOVE art history. If there is a period that you know about that I don't PLEASE educate me, I love to learn and discuss. And if there's a period that you would like to know about, especially older periods, I will share everything I know. I will RESEARCH for you. I LOVE IT.
    I also love Socialist theory, it's not my strongest area of knowledge so it may be more of a one sided discussion with me asking questions, but if you want to discuss it, I'm there.
    Talk to me about your art! Show it to me to! Art is my lifeblood!

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    I believe that for the world to truly be a better place, there needs to at least be a baseline of open communication established between ALL countries. (That is me suggesting an end to war).
    Immediate action needs to be taken to clean up the planet. Like now immediate.
    I also believe that all people are equal and the mistreatment of average people by large corporate entities is evil. Monopolies need to be banished, no more laissez-faire.

  • 개인적인 기술

    I bake like no other you will meet unless it is Hestia herself.
    I am great at art history
    I can screenprint
    I am a graphic designer
    I have incredibly flexible wrists

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    I liked to garden and pick up dead birds and try to nurse them to health
    I also liked to watch Judge Judy
    I liked to play with cats
    I also liked to swat junebugs with tennis rackets in the summer

  • 최근에 ~를 배웠습니다.

    I recently learnt that Vasari is possibly the worst person to rely on for an thesis regarding the lives or works of Italian Ren artists, unless it's Michelangelo. He loved Michelangelo.

  • 지금으로부터 10년 후

    I see myself as a professor of Art History, making art in my two bedroom loft. It has an exposed, white brick wall and a skylight. I have twenty potted plants and eat caprese salads everyday. There's also a fat cat there. I ride a bike and live alone.

  • 저는 ~에 대해 흥미를 느낍니다 (신납니다).

    I'm excited about going to grad school!

  • 나에 대한 특별한 점

    I have hetero-chromatic eyes. One is green with a golden stripe and the other is green with a blue ring around the iris.
    I also have very flexible wrists
    I collect pinatas

  • 옛날이 더 좋았어요

    They got paid a hay penny for a day's work and somehow have no student debts, like wtf.

  • 지금이 더 나아요

    People actually get called out for using slurs
    It's okay to be yourself, whatever form that comes in

  • 사람들이 ~에 대해 더 많이 알았으면 좋겠습니다.

    I wish people would understand that the environment is not a trash can. They need to take care of it for the sake of future generations and for the sake of a healthier atmosphere.
    I also wish that more people would understand that science isn't always precise, but that doesn't mean leave quarantine to breathe in each other's mouths in public, please.

  • 만약 내가 어린아이였다면

    I would have been taught another language from a younger age.
    Also, being taught to be more tolerant of people.
    Also also: being taught how to embrace my femininity, but remaining a person in the process.

  • 장애물 없는 경력

    I would want to be a career artist. Art is my entire life and envelops most of my hobbies too. If I were able to make a livable wage on my art alone, I WOULD.

  • 나의 부모님과 나

    I am more new-aged. I have less of a connection with my family, whereas they grew up being surrounded by family. I have an increased sense of indepence and do not usually rely on my family for very many things other than necessities. I view my friends more as a traditional family than my own.

  • 미래에 대한 나의 느낌

    I try to remain optimistic about the future, but with the state of the world and how companies are sneakily trying to exploit people that already are hard on their luck, I am not too sure I can be that way for long.

  • 인간 본성에 대한 나의 의견

    All humans are selfish naturally. However, I believe that recognizing selfish actions (when they are not appropriate) is a great first step into remedying it.

  • 저는 ~에 대하여 걱정됩니다.

    I feel concerned about bipartisan politics in the United States. I really dislike the way both sides are catering to their own personal needs first before the major populous's. It's horrible and has created a oligarchical nation instead of a democratic one. But I guess that's how it's always been, huh?

  • 장난 또는 조언

    For incredibly healthy facial skin (from someone that has had Acne Vulgaris since 12) follow this routine:
    Wash face
    Use toner
    Apply acne lotions/ointments, whatever
    Moisturizer (lotion)
    Facial oil
    It sounds like a lot and also like it's going to stuff your pores up, but it has done wonders for my skin. (Also if you have a dermatologist, ask about Spironolactone if you can't afford Acutane. It's waaaaaay cheaper and works just as well for majority of people with hormonal acne, which is basically everyone)

  • 후회

    I get embarrassed about past events, but I don't regret. If it's embarrassing now, it means that you've grown as a person since then.

  • 학교 시스템 개선

    I wish life skills were taught in schools. Instead of avoiding the topic of sex education, it should be improved and made a normal thing. For something that's natural, it's looked at as taboo for really no reason at all. Also, topics such as taxes, immigration, political philosophy, etc.

  • 과대평가 또는 과소평가

    Altering your natural personality to become "quirkier" or "different" is overrated. Everyone has their interests and if you have to fake yours, you're really not going to be happy ever.
    Vaseline is underrated. It can cure a cracked lip, unstuff your nose, get rid of congestion and head aches, it's very useful!

  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Your life should be your own. If you like to cut your hair short, don't let anybody tell you you can't. If you identify as non binary, plant kin, with cat ears, hell yeah. You do you, you weirdo. Confidence isn't based in what other people think, it's based in what you think about yourself. The only person that's going to be left when you die is you.

