

  • 1
  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    Hi, you can call me Bea!
    I'm a teen girl, I get good grades and have almost all male friends, cuz the drama<<
    I love rollerblading and swimming, and I'm writing a book, too! Moreover, I am very passionate about psychology and am ALWAYS fangirling around.
    I also really enjoy Pinterest. Like, a lot.
    What else...I love talking in english and my level is somewhere near B2!
    My prp pretty much describes me😂, so don't take me seriously, like, I'm just a chill girl who likes sharing opinions, feel free to text me even if you just wanna talk randomly, I'll be happy to answer 😁!

  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    Guys I'll ask you to switch on WhatsApp/DISCORD bc it's so much better so be prepared😭😂

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    My dreamm✨✨

  • Moja opinia o naturze ludzkiej

    I believe we should always be kind and respectful to each other no matter what, because everyone is different and has their struggles, too, even if they aren't obvious! 🙃

  • 10 lat później...

    I think I'll be frequenting a university to get my dream job, whatever it's gonna be, since I still have no idea🙈😂! Maybe I'll be doing an Erasmus! 🤩

    (If WW3 starts, in 10 years I see myself buried in a cemetery, instead! Let's hope for the best!!😅😅)

    *If that sounded brutal, that's my job! I'm a realist! 😂*

  • Sztuczka albo porada

    My motto is:
    "What if it turns out way better than I could have ever imagined?"
    And it really helps me keep up when I'm sad or unsure🙃

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    I know "Expert" is a BIGGER word than we picture it being, but I can firmly consider myself an expert in my past ADHD/giftedness hyperfixations!! (Which means, the things that I couldn't stop thinking about at any time of the day for months and months...not kidding at all😅):
    -Sherlock BBC

    Even if I'm not an expert, I really enjoy psichology (I'm really passionate!), probability (Sooo cool!), and english speaking!!!❤️❤️
    Obviously there are other things that I enjoy, but these are the fields that I liked the most until now! 🙂
    Never let the learning stop!😛

  • Moi rodzice i ja

    I mean, we're not the best, not the worst...They don't know much about me but I guess we love each other..!

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    Sono andata in Francia, Spagna, Croazia, Malta ed Austria. Mi piacerebbe tantissimo andare in scandinavia, Russia, Australia ed USA!!!

  • Moje największe osiągnięcia

    Essere arrivata prima ai giochi matematici,
    Aver vinto il bronzo nei campionati studenteschi di corsa.

  • Kiedy byłem/am dzieckiem, pragnąłem/am...

    Mi sarebbe piaciuto se ognuno avesse un "Potere😂" o una speciale abilità fin dalla nascita che lo rendesse unico.

    Mi sarebbe piaciuto anche crescere in un mondo dove puoi scegliere tu "Chi essere" prima di nascere, e poi nasci e ti dimentichi di aver scelto. Ad esempio puoi decidere il tuo aspetto fisico o il tuo carattere, prima di andare sulla terra!! Non sarebbe stato...figo??😆

