

  • 5
  • Powiedz coś do świata!

    Hi! I'm Javier Giorello, from Uruguay (yeah, that little and lost country under Brasil and aside Argentina, and yes, we are a country haha). I speak Spanish, I like to say that I speak also English and I'm here to learn or practice German. Also I'd like to know people from other countries, and I'm open to learn any other lenguaje, i love to learn 😃

    I'm planning to travel to europe next year, for some month and visit every place that I can.

    So.. well... send me a message...

  • Osobiste umiejętności

    Guitar Player, Violinist, pianist, kind of singer, luthier, developer, Cat keeper, books holder, etc.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    I think i like the North European culture, at least for what i know of it. I would like to travel there and know a little more of those countries, their people and their living styles.

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    I read a lot of Fantasy books, of several authors. I like the Marvel movies and some catastrophic films like "the day after Tomorrow" and i listen all kinds of music (with the exception of Latin rhythms), including Classical, European Folk, Indie, Metal, Rap, Pop, Techno, etc.

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I had only been in some cities of Chile, Argentina and Brasi, but hoping to travel Europe and know many cities as I could in the time that i would be traveling 😃

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    ... knowing about things that nobody cares of.

  • Czynienie świata lepszem

    Global Peace!
    And making some good music.

  • Moja opinia o naturze ludzkiej

    In my opinion Hobbes was right, we are animals full of angry and self-destruction, we have the ways to improve ourselfes and make a better humanity, but we just don't do it. Dissapointing.

