

  • 1
  • Czynienie świata lepszem

    As we are young and qualified as "the future", we should be able to make this world a safe place where everyone can be able to speak about their problems without being and feeling judged.

  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I have visited Morocco, Italy, the United Kingdom, Spain and Crete.

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    Listening to people!

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    I just loooove the Seven Sisters series by Lucinda Riley, but also the Heartstopper series by Alice Oseman.

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    Intellectual and spiritual topics!

  • Ostatnio się uczyłem/am...

    The brain can't make any difference between fictional characters and real people, meaning that you could fall in love with someone who's not even real 🙁

  • Myślę, że ludzie powinni więcej wiedzieć o...

    Introvert people.

  • Coś niezwykłego o mnie

    Sometimes it happens that I won't text or want to see some friends. It is because I need time to recharge my social battery, it has nothing to do with people 😁

