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  • 有什么想对世界说的

    My name is Anthony and I am 33, from the USA. I live in the state of Virginia. I’m married and raising 5 children. I work for the local government. I recently went back to college in order to finish obtaining my degree. My hobbies include ballroom dancing, building computers, history, games, movies, reading, anime, comics... I pretty much go for anything fantasy or sci-fi related, especially Star Wars. I also enjoy traveling. I am looking for a penpal for either email or snail mail, your choice 🙂 Age does not matter and neither does where you live. I'm currently trying to learn Japanese, but I am open to writing to any country or background.

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    I've been all over the USA. I visited Canada and Mexico many times. I have been to many islands in the Caribbean. My favorite travel experience is when I went to Japan.

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    My proudest personal accomplishment has got to be my family. I have a great wife and 5 kids and we are very happy together.

  • 我对其他文化的兴趣

    I have always been interested in Japanese and German history. I am American by birth but of German descent. However, I love learning about all cultures.

  • 我是……的专家

    I'm an expert when it comes to attention to detail. Both in my personal and professional lives. It has been something I've always been known for by the people who know me.

  • 个人挑战

    The biggest personal challenge I faced was growing up in a wheelchair. I was able to recover by intense therapy and simple willpower. It unfortunately has left me with an artificial hip, but I am happy and totally mobile.

  • 最喜欢的书籍/作者/电影

    My favorite books are the Lord of the Rings trilogy as well as the other Tolkien novels. In terms of film, I love sci-fi and fantasy (Things such as Star Wars) but my favorite movie is "The Fifth Element"

  • 在国外居住一年

    If I could live anywhere for one year, I would go back to Japan. I only spent two weeks there before and I missed a lot of what I had wished to do.

  • 我总是喜欢谈论……

    I always enjoy talking about daily life. Being able to simply communicate with other people always makes me happy.

  • 让世界变得更美好

    Tolerance and understanding are what makes the world a better place. Broadening your horizons and learning about others.

  • 个人技能

    I am able to dance quite well. Though, due to the pandemic, I have not been able to dance as much as I would like to.

  • 童年的欢乐

    As a child I really enjoyed reading and playing games. I actually really enjoyed going to school as well.

  • 我最近学会了……

    The last thing that I learned was a new computer program at work. It was a huge upgrade to the way my workplace operates and I am one of the few who know how to use it so far.

  • 10年后

    In ten years, I see myself working in my same job, but I will hopefully be promoted by then. The children will have probably moved out of the house by then as they will all be in their twenties. Hopefully I will have more time to make for myself and my wife.

  • 我对……感到兴奋

    I am currently excited and hopeful that the pandemic will be subsiding and that life can hopefully start showing some sense of normalcy again.

  • 我的与众不同之处

    I believe I am unique in my hobbies. They are pretty varied and I always love picking up something new. I never like to be limited in the things I do.

  • 过去更好

    I think that there was better financial security in my parents' generation. It seems to me like they had a lot less trouble making ends meet than myself and my peers.

  • 现在更好

    I think this generation has shown a lot of people broadening their horizons and living with a sense of liberation.

  • 我希望人们知道更多,关于……

    I wish people knew more about other cultures and points of view. I think things have gotten better now than when compared to the past, but there is always room for progress.

  • 作为一个孩子,我希望……

    The biggest thing that I wish could have changed from the way I grew up would have been being encouraged to learn more foreign languages. It would have been easier as a child than compared to an adult.

  • 没有障碍的事业

    I wish I could have become an archaeologist. It was the career I always dreamed of. But the pay was low and I also wanted to be able to support a family.

  • 父母和我

    The biggest difference between my parents and me is our family values. It is a long story, but one that I would be happy to tell one day.

  • 我对未来的感想

    I almost always feel optimistic about the future. There have been times in my life where I was cynical, but more often than not, I feel things will be better.

  • 我对人性的看法

    I believe human nature to be naturally good. Though there is always a sense of selfishness. One always seeks out self-rewards. One can find something very selfless be very rewarding.

  • 我感到担心……

    I always feel concerned about the future of my family. I always hope that I have helped raise my kids well.

  • 一个诀窍或建议

    My best piece of advice is to always push yourself to be a better person.

  • 生命中的遗憾

    I regret not having gone to college earlier in life. I am actually studying for a degree right now. It is not too late and I finally realized that.

  • 完善学校制度

    I wish that certain life skills were taught in school. Daily things like taxes and credit would be so beneficial.

  • 高估或低估

    As odd as it sounds, I find cucumbers overrated. In fact, I hate them.

