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  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    i have live nomadic most my life, and have travelled all of Australia. have also lived in New favorite culture in the world. in australia i find the far north queensland and the far south in tasmania to be very interesting places.

  • Мои достижения

    i am proud of the humanitarian work iv done in society since i was a child following my old granny from vetran hospital to aged care hospital to abused womens homes to community projects. i worked alot with asylum seekers and refugees in the past. but also have been a life long activist for social/cultural/political change.
    i am very proud to be a lifelong artisan aswell. atm i am a full time professional artist working in printmaking, painting and mixed media. i am a natural creative soul, and i am proud of my writing, my crafting and my performance arts.
    im also very proud of my country and culture

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    i enjoy diversity in general , but i love the human story. sharing my stories aswell as listening to others stories

  • Я специалист в...

    anything creative, i have spent decades nomadic and interested in sociology, psychology and the human condition...i am very emotionally intelligent and wise in the ways of humanity. i have also lived out bush on and off all my life, so i am very good at bush crafts, survival away from society and living in peace with nature. wild animals interact with me freely, even dangerous or poisonous ones, and i am very good in natural situations. am also wise in the ways of magick and Fae

  • Испытания

    i find both fascinating and challenging to relate therefore interact with mainstream societies. fringe cultures in all their variations are more of a comfort zone to me then the rat race, or so called "normality" i find covert more challenging then overt. i find bright more comfortable then dull. i find the misfits and beautiful freaks of this world to be far more interesting then the status quo and the adverage.
    but i also LOVE seeing the unique and the beauty inside the mundane

  • Любимые книги/писатели/фильмы

    i love fantasy, history and comedy.

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    history, mythology, folklore, new age topics like astrology or healing methods, spirituality. all things creative and artsy. society. nature

