

  • 10m
  • Kerro maailmalle!

    Hi there! 🙂
    I`d really love to find some other Christians who are interested in talking about anything, life and faith and learning languages.

    If you are interested but do not believe in the bible, feel free to text me anyway. 🙂
    But as far as I experienced relationships with "brothers and sisters" are way deeper because the most important topics unite us.

  • Lempikirjat/kirjailijat/elokuvat

    My favourite book definitely is the Bible. There is no other book with more importance. The message in this book can literally save your life. If you haven´t read it give it a chance! If you don´t now where to start, start in St. John. And if you don´t have a bible, there are also options for you online. 🙂

    I mean yeah there are lots of good books but this book decides about your future. About what will happen after death. It gives your life a meaning. It is about the truth. And this has consequences for everyone, regardless of whether we believe it or not.

  • Tulevaisuudenkuva

    I am not afraid of death. Because I gave Jesus Christ my life and I know that I will spend eternity with God in Heaven. Not because I did something good and would therefore deserve it. But because God gave his only son for us, and he died for our sins on the cross. And therefore we can choose to give God our lives, and live with him and will spend Eternity with him. I took this decision, and I never did regret this! But if we decide against this option and don´t want any relationship with God we will also have to spend our eternity without God which consequently is the hell an absolutely horrible place because of the absence of God, who is the creator of everything good.

  • Kaupungit ja maat, joissa olen vieraillut

    I am a native German and love well organized countries and cities. I like Switzerland and Ireland and really wanna go to Sweden!

    I obviously speak German (since it is my mother tongue).
    I learn English since 7 years and French since 6 years. Of course I make mistakes, but that`s normal!
    Therefore you can text me in those three languages. 🙂
    I`d love to learn some new languages, so don`t hesitate to text me even though you language is not on the list above. 🙂

