

  • 5
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    Hello \(^-^)/<3
    my name is Annika, I am 30 years old and I´m from Germany. I can write in english or german to you. I am searching for penpales from all over the world, especially Asia. But everybody is welcome to write. I am interested in art, music, culture, languages, food etc.
    I am a very creativ person and I would love to find people with same interests.
    Also I would love to write letters with someone, so feel free to contact me if you would like to do the same 🙂

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    Ich war bereits in England, Irland, Japan, Russland, Polen, Tschechien, Dänemark, Holland und auf Fuerteventura. Japan war hierbei mein absoluter Favorit <3

