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  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    Hi guys. I am Annachiara, I live in a beautiful city in the south of Italy. I am 20 years old (almost 21) I love eating and drinking. I expecially love wine, beer and pizza. I love world and people and also different culture that I would like to know.
    I'm very friendly and I can help you to improve your italian language! Our conversations Can be fantastic and very interesting.
    Help me to improve my english.
    We can chat about everything and I can share with you my experiences. LET'S TEXT ME 🤞

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    My first trip was also the best one. When I was 14, I went to Dublin from Italy and spent two fantastic weeks there. Irish people are fantastic and very friendly. I left with 100 other people from Italy that I did not know until and I grew up a lot with them. So I had a fantastic experience that everyone should do at least once in their life. I mean: let's go even if you do not know the place or your traveling companions,that is the only way that you have to grow up. Open yourself up to the world
    Il mio primo viaggio è stato anche il più bello della mia vita fino ad ora. All'età di 14 anni sono partita dall'Italia ed ho passato due settimane meravigliose in Irlanda. Gli irlandesi sono persone fantastiche, socievoli e disponibili e ciò mi ha sconvolto positivamente. Sono partita con altri 100 ragazzi,tutti italiani e con loro sono cresciuta tantissimo. Insomma, ho fatto un'esperienza bellissima che consiglio a tutti di fare. Partite, anche se non conoscete nessuno e temete di allontanarvi da casa. Partite proprio per questo perché solo così potrete crescere ed aprirvi al mondo.

