

  • 4
  • Plaatsen en steden die ik heb bezocht

    I really love to travel. Until now I have been to France, Italy, Ireland, Great Britain, Netherlands, Czech Republic and to Denmark. But this summer I am going to travel with an interrail card through Europe. Life is short and I want to see as much as possible from the world.

  • Ik geniet altijd van praten over...

    I really like discussions and mostly I dont care about which topics. But I do enjoy to talk about politics, environment, science, art and other cultures. So if you have already a opinion to something or you want to develop one you can always text me😉

  • De wereld een betere plaats maken

    I am a member of the fridays for future movement, so I think to stop the humanmade climate change we need to force the politicians to act. Of course everyone need to do something, but I think we also need the politicians to make laws against climate change, because humans are selfish.

