

  • 3
  • 有什么想对世界说的

    Heyy, i am Anna, 16 years old and from Germany. I want to get to know new people from all over the world so please don‘t be shy and slide into my dms ✌🏼😝

  • 10年后

    In ten years i will be a famous doctor of medicine. I love to help people and i prefer a job with many different opportunities. I hope that i will have a husband and two happy and healthy children. I see my future as a big possibility for me to learn und grow up ☺️

  • 我最骄傲的成就

    I think the most important thing in life is your own happiness and health. So i would say next to musical and sports Success is my own way of thinking the biggest success in my life, until now.

  • 我曾去过的国家和城市

    In my life i visited many parts of Germany, the Netherlands, Austria, Iceland, Slowenia, Italy, Sweden, Spain & France

