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  • My proudest accomplishments

    There's actually nothing to boast about. I'm a volunteer; I like helping people a lot. At weekends I'm doing my volunteery work at one association of elderly people. Also I was a volunteer at WOSP twice (WOSP is a summary of Great Orchestra of Christmas Charity). At the beginning I collected almost 3 thousands in only one day and a year later almost 5 thousands. In my opinion people in Poland are very generous with spending money for charity.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    I have been in the Netherlands, Belgium, the UK, Germany, Italy and Czech Republic, France. I can't pick my favourite place, because all of the places in which I have been are sooo amazing. I think that Italy kind of stole my heart, especially those yummy ice creams in Rome (gelato di trevi). I also must mention the best pizza I have ever eaten in my life. I love travelling, because of the people. New country=new people and new culture.

