

  • 1m
  • Favourite books/authors/films

    My favorite books are The Eyes of the Dragon by Stephen King, Princess Bride movie and book, The Devouring Trilogy by Simon Holt and more. Favorite Author is Sherrilyn Kenyon, Stephen King, and more.

  • Childhood pleasures

    I loved getting to hang out with friends, see family more, go swimming during the summer, go to the fair and other things. It's hard to do that now as an adult as I don't drive and have no one to take me to do things sometimes and all of my family has moved away now except for my grandfather who lives close by.

  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Loved getting to check out Sea world Orlando and getting to see dolphins in person. Also loved Holiday world in Santa Clause Indiana, getting to go to Cozumel Mexico and seeing clean blue ocean waters, The most interesting places I have been to have been Cumberland Caverns, Rock City and more. I have only traveled through
    the Southern US and Mexico besides St Maarten and Puerto Rico that I got to travel
    to this year.

    I have yet to travel the world and the rest of the US yet but hope to one day.

  • My proudest accomplishments

    Winning a Creative Writing award in middle school, getting to meet one of my favorite actors in person, getting honorable mention in a poetry contest, trying my best in a karaoke contest, and more. Anytime that I try my best and finish something is an
    accomplishment to me.

  • My interests in other cultures

    I would love to make friends and learn about other cultures like in Ireland, Japan and more cuz I would love to travel to those places one day and get to see all the cool stuff those places have to offer like getting to see Stonehedge would be cool besides the Tokyo tower, the Eiffel tower and more. Would love to try new food there too.

  • A personal challenge

    The hardest thing I have ever done was to leave a yearly dungeons and dragons 5th edition game that I played and participated in due to the DM not wanting to work or be patient with me as I have autism and haven't been playing the roleplaying game for very long and he
    never gave me a party to fight with and I never got to play the game past level 5 as
    my characters kept getting killed by the dungeon/game master, so I have never gotten
    to experience the game from level 6 all the way to 20 which I hope I get to do one day as I have only played online and never played in an in-person game yet.

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    I love to talk about my love of reading for pleasure with the farming video game Stardew Valley. I also love to talk about movies, musicals and more. I just love talking about my interests and awesome tv shows and other things I have seen too.

  • Living abroad for one year

    If I could live abroad by myself for a year, I would love to either live in Japan or Australia as they are both autism friendly places to travel and live at. I haven't been to any autism friendly places or traveled to any yet but have heard that these two countries are kind towards those of us on the spectrum. Plus, Australia is the home of the Australia Zoo where Steve Irwin's Family work and own that I would love to go to one day. Japan is awesome too because they have Mount Fuji, the Studio Ghibli Museum, and more. They have the Daiso store which I would love to go to one day too. Getting to make friends and experience both of these countries would be amazing.

  • Making the world a better place

    Having more autism friendly spaces, having more people be understanding and accepting towards others as well as recycling more and having more clean spaces would help to make a world be a better place as well as having no more wars and violence. Just being kind to others and working together can help make this world a better place.

  • Personal skills

    I am a brutally honest person as I basically tell it like it is. Though my social skills aren't very good, I am good at listening to others and do not speak unless spoken to. I also try to have good manners too and hold the door open for people and more.

  • I'm excited about...

    I am excited about going to the Fair this fall, getting to see more musicals I have never seen before, and the upcoming Fall and holiday season. I love Halloween, Thanksgiving and Christmas besides the Fair and my birthday which happens in September which is the beginning of Fall for me.

  • As a child, I wish...

    To have friends and not to be alone. Growing up I was bullied for my autism and being different from others and did not have many friends growing up. Also wished I had a father who loved me as I had a birth father who turned his back on my sister and I when I was in middle school and chose his new wife over us. It took me a long time to finally forgive him for doing that before he passed away when I was older and graduated high school but having family and friends is very important to me.

  • Improving the school system

    Social Skills, home economics, self defense and more. Growing up I was never taught to defend myself from bullying, didn't know how to interact with others and make friends having autism and didn't know how to cook or whatever. I had to learn how to clean from my mom as she had us growing up during Saturday morning cartoon day to help clean the house during commercials.

  • My opinion on human nature

    A bit of both. There are some decent people in the world today but there are those who are cruel and ignorant to those different from them like me being on the autism spectrum and other mental conditions. Those people are the bullies of the world and believe that the stronger survive while those of us who are kind are the weakest like politicians, the authorities and more.

  • I recently learnt...

    That the movie St Elmo's Fire is not about the St Elmo's bar catching on fire but is some kind of passion thing which was weird. I wasted an entire hour of my life trying to see if the bar ever caught on fire and was disappointed. It was a weird 80s film.

  • I'm an expert at...

    Stardew Valley. Been playing since 2016 and am almost close to completing everything in the farming rpg game.

  • 10 years from now

    I don't know. Just trying to survive life every day as it comes. I don't know if I will be here in 10 years but I am glad I am still alive and get to see my 37th birthday coming up in September.

  • It was better before

    That we got to see cartoons on Saturday mornings. afternoon matinee movies, and more.

  • It is better now

    the cell phones are smaller now cuz back then they were those large bricks that were held against people's ears and video games are much more advanced now.

  • Something uncommon about me

    I have autism, have social anxiety, am asexual and I have a famous voice actor for a cousin who played Mr. Haney on the show Green Acres.

  • I wish people knew more about...

    That autistic people want friends, family, and want to travel. Also that our feelings matter too and we just want to be accepted.

  • Something to tell the world!

    I am a Christian who loves God and Jesus Christ. I'm blessed to have them in my life with my family and friends

  • Life regrets

    I regret not getting to go to Summer camp when I was a kid and wish there are Camps for adults so I could experience it since I never got to when I was a child. Would love to go to the Jellystone resort camp one day.

  • My feeling about the future

    Not really. There is too much evil in the world and bullies and stuff as well as not very nice people in the world and a lot of us (especially myself) have no interest in getting married or want to raise a family into this world of debauchery and violence and more. I feel like until we have peace and people learn to accept others then the world is doomed and only God can save it. We need God in the world today.

