

  • 2
  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    I like to talk to myself and sometimes I make myself laugh. 😂 I'll even have a full on conversation with myself. It's funny because i'll be looking at myself in the mirror and start laughing.

  • Soy un experto en...

    Sleeping. Just kidding. I'm good at being there for other people and giving advice.

  • Remordimientos

    I regret apologizing to people before I moved to somewhere else. Don't ever hold back on apologizing to people. It brings you down.

  • Habilidades personales

    I am good at being there for people, and am good at giving advice. If you need to talk to someone about anything, just know I am here.

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I have not been out of the country, so I'm interested in going anywhere! Tell me anything and everything about your culture.

  • Mis logros de mayor orgullo

    I feel like this would be when I was really behind in school and made it out to have a B+ in that class. That was really hard and I hope I never have to do it again.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    Food! I love other foods from other cultures. It's so interesting how spices or seasonings change throughout different cultures.

  • Un reto personal

    Listening or NOT listening to other people. Comments hurt, but listening to my parents when they frustrate me is super hard for me. Especially when I feel misunderstood.

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    Favorite books, I don't have A favorite one. But I would say I love romance and dystopian.
    Movies I would say the Maze runner. Those were really good. Also divergent.

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Anything and everything, as long as I'm understood.

  • Haz del mundo un mejor lugar

    People need to stop being self absorbed and reach out to people. Be aware of the people who need help. People need to be SELFLESS not SELFISH. I hope that one day there won't be any poverty because people are being generous, not selfish.

  • Placeres de la infancia

    Movies, and friends. I wasn't ever allowed to do much. So I like company. I'm tired if being lonely.

  • Recientemente aprendí...

    I learned that the breed Yorkshire terriers were bred to catch rats. So they were called rat dogs. I also learned to trust your friends' opinions, because the people you think are good for you, they're just going to end up hurting you.

  • En 10 años

    I see myself having 1 or 2 kids, with my future husband. And maybe having my dream job.

  • Estoy emocionado por...

    I'm excited to make new friends and keeping them.

  • Algo no muy común sobre mi

    I can make my nose twitch like a bunnies, I also have webbed toes. Where I have more skin between them than most people.

  • Era mejor antes

    How close people were. And how people used to get together.

  • Es mejor ahora

    Medicines. And diagnosis, I have been diagnosed with ADHD and other things like RAD um, I have others but I can't remember them at the moment.

  • Desearía que la gente sepa más sobre...

    How to connect with other people.

  • De pequeño siempre quise...

    As a child I wished that I could fly or have a fairy godmother. I was tired of adults. And wanted to do things, when I couldn't.

  • Mi padres y yo

    I believe I am more thoughtful, and kind-hearted than my parents. I also believe my inner spirit is more experienced than theirs. But I don't know for certain.

  • Mis sentimientos sobre el futuro

    I feel like I will be liked when I am older because I will be more understanding than most people. I will be more experienced in pain, because sometimes my heart is in so much pain I feel calm.

  • Mi opinión sobre la naturaleza humana

    I feel it's a tiny bit more to the selfish side because when I need something, people ignore my needs. It gets annoying and frustrating.

  • Me preocupa...

    My personal being. I feel like I have been through too much for people to call me immature. It's frustrating because I never really had much of a childhood. And my adoptive parents call me immature or that I act like a baby, when in reality I was just trying to understand. 🤷🏼‍♀️

  • Para mejorar el sistema escolar...

    How to be human, and that it's okay. People need to lower their expectations because they are sky high, no one can achieve it. And then that person gets let down. People need to be reasonable. I know from experience, sadly.

  • Valorado o subestimado

    II honestly don't have an answer for this. Lol, it's all about opinions.

  • Viviendo en el extranjero por un año

    If I could live anywhere I think I would live where there is lots of good chocolate.

  • Una carrera sin obstáculos

    I want to be a CIA for my country.

  • Un truco o consejo

    Don't listen to ANYONE who talks down to you or about you. They are just jealous that you are an amazing person and are brave to show it, while they coward behind a mask.

