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  • Κάτι να πεις στον κόσμο!

    My name is Alexandra García, I'm 18 years old, I deeply enjoy dancing, mostly Mexican Folklore, and Ballet. I recently graduated high school and I start architecture school in August, here in Mexico. I love learning about other peoples lifestyle and get to know other people. I'm shy at first but if I enter in my comfort zone I won't stop talking hahaha. I speak excellent Spanish (native), a C1 English and a B2 french (pretty shitty, to be honest).
    Some fun facts about me:
    +Huge Disney fan.
    +I love math
    +Great at lettering

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I have been to several places because of my studies abroad. I have been into the United States mostly in the south of the USA, also, in Spain, France, Germany, Czech Republic, and Italy. Mostly I enjoy traveling in my own country, I'm a huge fan of the beach, so I have been to almost every beach in México. Other types of places I personally enjoy are the ones that are cataloged as "pueblos magicos" which could be translated to magic towns, but it actually means that are little places inside México that are worth to visit, filled with folklore, tradition, and history.

