

  • 3m
  • Cities and countries I have visited

    Spain, Portugal, France, Tunisia, Greece

  • My interests in other cultures

    learn about habits and customs and culture

  • I'm an expert at...


  • Childhood pleasures

    when I was little I liked to draw; this passion remains with me even now

  • I recently learnt...

    that those who say they know how to do everything actually don't know how to do anything

  • I always enjoy talking about...

    cuisine, plants, nature, culture, mountains

  • My parents and me

    they taught me a lot and a part of them is in me

  • 10 years from now

    on holiday

  • My opinion on human nature

    too selfish and self-centered

  • I feel concerned about...

    the wars

  • A trick or piece of advice

    Don't be in a hurry to do things

  • As a child, I wish...

    when I was little I wanted to grow up: now that I'm older I understand that it was better to remain a child

  • Improving the school system

    that studying is useful not for the grade but to open the mind to knowledge

  • Making the world a better place

    starting each of us to do our part by respecting others and nature and everything that surrounds us

  • A personal challenge

    I don't like challenges

  • Favourite books/authors/films

    historical books

  • My proudest accomplishments

    to always be myself without following what others do

  • Something uncommon about me

    creative ad dreamer

  • I wish people knew more about...

    that what appears is not always what it seems

  • Something to tell the world!

    insieme tutti quanti possiamo migliorarlo

  • Life regrets

    the value of humility

