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  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    Hello, my name is Adshar.
    I am 16 years old and live in Shenzhen, China.
    I'm glad to meet you here. 😁
    I like fencing and football.
    In terms of music,I am especially keen on playing the piano. Sometimes I also play the drums and guitar. 😆
    I am fond of listening to English songs. I'm a big fan of Taylor Swift. 😍I'm also very interested in Taylor swift songs. You can talk to me about music, politics, math or physics.
    If you want to make friends with me, I would be more than welcome😜

  • Я люблю поговорить о...

    Political and social development.I am interested in physics and mathematics

  • Что я жду от будущего

    Obviously,I believe there is a wonderful future waiting for me to explore

  • Карьера без преград

    Although I didn't go out into the world completely, I wanted to be an entrepreneur or a diplomat

  • Мое мнение о природе человека

    Some people are good and some people are selfish.
    Some people are friends with people who are selfish in some ways
    We can't stop others from being selfish, selfishness is everyone's right. Hope that people can be selfish at the same time to help others, so that it can reflect the good of humanity

  • Кое-что необычное обо мне

    Sometimes I think about some profound questions, and sometimes I can be naive and stupid

  • Мой интерес к другим странам

    I'm interested in the origins and customs of other cultures. Especially about religion, but I know it might not be polite to mention it in front of people

