

  • 6
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Hello everybody!
    I'm a polish girl from small town Augustow. I'm interested in photography, science-fiction books and movies, sports and writing! My biggest dreams are explore the whole world, have friends in many countries and be a writer (the last one is gonna be hard, I'm such a lazy human).
    I try to enjoy life, smile every day and amuse all people.
    I know my English isn't good, but I'm still learning. I promise I want to get better!

  • Villes et pays visités

    I haven't visited a lot of another countries, (only Lithuania), but I belive I will explore more! I'm dreaming about visit Greece, United States, Australia and United Kingdom.

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    I'm keen on photography and writing. I try to improve my skills in these things.
    I love meet people from foreign side of the world and learning new things about another countries.

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    I love many books and films. I'm a big fan of:
    * Harry Potter
    * Percy Jackson (I like only books, in my opinion these movies are painful)
    * The Maze Runner
    * Hunger Games
    * Divergent
    * Lately I fall in love with Teen Wolf 🙂 But I haven't watched all episodes yet.

    My favourite films:
    * Almost every Marvel movie
    * Impossible
    * The book of Henry
    * Stones for the Rampart (It's polish film)

