

  • 4
  • Είμαι ειδικός σε...

    procastination is a lifestyle🌻

  • Πόλεις και χώρες που έχω επισκεφθεί

    I have traveled almost all over Italy
    South of France

  • Αγαπημένα βιβλία/συγγραφείς/ταινίες

    I don't have a favorite movie but my favorite actress is Jennifer Lawrence.
    I like all kinds of books from fantasy to biographies, from love stories to thrillers, etc ... but my favorites ones are: The never-ending story, How to kill a mockingbird and Two Days gone.
    The only genre I can't read is horror: I get scared easily ahahah
    My favorite TV series are: Grey's Anatomy, The Big Bang Theory and Killing Eve.

  • Το ενδιαφέρον μου για άλλες κουλτούρες

    I recently fell in love with Scotland: I'm fond of everything about that place. I hope to go there to study one day (uni) and maybe even to live. So, if you speak good English, you would be a GODSEND for me! (I could practice the language yeee)

  • Ως παιδί, εύχομαι...

    As a child I dreamed of falling in love with a prince, marrying him, going to live with him in a beautiful pink castle and wearing magnificent gigantic dresses all day long😍

  • Κάτι ασυνήθιστο σχετικά με εμένα

    I would like to find a penpal with whom I can exchange e-mails first and then, perhaps, even real letters ... I find it so exciting😊

