

  • 11m
  • Mijn interesses in andere culturen

    I am curious to learn about cultures, lifestyles and cuisines of people around the world.I believe that we are lucky that we don't know everything about the world because that's what makes us question and explore.Life would not be as beautiful as it is if we didn't have anything to delve out

  • Ik ben een expert in...

    I m expert at talking over and over without stopping 😅.I m good at science and maths .

  • Een persoonlijke uitdaging

    Talking about the hardest thing I have ever done is when I prepared for a national level science olympiad.I ranked second in my school .It took real effort and even some sacrifices but it was worth it . When you accomplish something which you just think is limited to your imagination is truly the best feeling in the world😄

  • Ik geniet altijd van praten over...

    I am interested in business and ways to be rich and all .You will often find me interested in topics like financial literacy, investments etc.I just have certain standards of living and I am willing to work for it .
    Other than this, I enjoy talking about food items ,i mean who wouldn't .

    I also like to watch and talk about fashion shows, find more about the luxury brands and even draw some sketches

  • Ik maak me zorgen over...

    I feel concerned about being unsuccessful in future.No doubt I will work for whatever I want but that 1%possibility of my dreams not coming true haunts me .I sometimes feel worried but i believe in myself and I am willing to give it what it takes.

  • Mijn mening over de menselijke aard

    I feel like everybody is bad in someone else's story.It is not always that you will be liked by everybody and that's completely ok.Life should not be lived to satisfy other people and impress them because in the end it would just be you . Every moment should be enjoyed cause you will not get it again

