

  • 4
  • Qualcosa da dire al mondo!

    It's Julia from Poland .
    I joined this website to get to know new people and improve my language skills. In my opinion this is one of the best websites to get to know people from all over the world!
    I'm looking for long-term friendships.

    You can observe me in instagram: julkaotlowska

  • Città e stati che ho visitato

    I was visited 8% world. I was on vacation, sightseeing, discovering new cultures in:
    England, France, Italy, Tunisia, Egypt, Israel, Palestine, Ukraine, Lithuania, Slovenia, Slovakia, Greece, Bulgaria, Austria, Hungary, Croatia, Bosnia and Herzegovina, Serbia

  • Vivere all'estero per un anno

    If I can go to exchange or I can live for year in another country....
    I go to London. I love this city, and I think I cane visit all interesting place for a year

  • I risultati di cui vado più fiero

    I work and study in the same time

  • Libri/autori/film preferiti

    I love all Cassandra Clare books.
    Harry Potter is my lover
    I like "Me before you". I can't choose my favourite book, authors, and film. Yesterday my favorite movie was " The fault in our stars", but today it is "Before I fall" or "Moana"

  • A 10 anni da adesso

    I hope that jn 10 years, I will have husband and children. I will be ableI to do what I like

  • Adoro parlare di...

    I like meet new people. I can talk about anything. If I don't know anything about it, I'll just be happy to hear you and find out something new.

  • Recentemente ho imparato...

    When I went to university, I learned to combine many things to have time for everything

  • Una sfida personale

    Start living in a new place in one day. Pack everything at once and take it to a new place. Life in a place I have never seen before

