

  • 3
  • Miasta i państwa, które odwiedziłem

    I have been lucky enough to have a career that has taken me half way around the world and the opportunity to visit places I may have otherwise not had chance to see.

    After spending many years in the Caribbean and lazing around on beautiful beaches I now prefer exploring the hustle and bustle of cities.

  • Moje kulturowe zainteresowania

    Having lived in many different places over the years I really love getting to know real people who call that place home. Learning about local traditions and culture and am fascinated at the differences and similarities we all actually have.

  • Jestem ekspertem w...

    Navigating airports! Typically I am on and off a plane every week so have become very adept at getting in and out of them very quickly!

  • Ulubione książki, autorzy, filmy

    There was a time on my travels when I would accept a book, any book, as long as it was in English. Needless to say I was introduced to some authors who were amazing and others who were not so much!

    Today, technology makes reading an author I actually like so much easier! I enjoy modern contemporary literature and still read pretty much anything. I do draw the line at chick-lit, romantic fluff and horror.

  • Życie za granicą na jeden rok

    I always wanted to travel and knew the world was bigger than my home town. I went to work overseas for one summer, with every intention to get the "travel bug" out of my system...25 years later I am still on that adventure!

  • Zawszę lubię rozmawiać o...

    Adventures, experiences and encounters - sharing together our life stories that are unique, interesting and entertaining.

  • Czynienie świata lepszem

    If people had a little more tolerance and curiosity then living together in this world would be so much better.

  • 10 lat później...

    Hopefully still discovering new places I haven't been to before! Continuing to explore the world and meet new and interesting people along the way.

