

  • 15
  • 세계를 향해 외쳐보세요!

    I'm studying mathematics, but I'm interested in almost everything, especially minerals and precious stones, and different languages.
    In my freetime I usually listen to music, read a book, or meet my friends.
    I also like travelling. Since a few years now I visit a different European country each year, but I like to take little trips in my country too.

  • 내가 방문한 도시와 국가

    I like exploring new places, so I travel as much as I can. My one favourite is London, I've been there twice, and I usually spend most of my time in the Science Museum there. 🙂
    I also like Riga, I usually spend a few weeks there when visiting relatives. I've also been to Spain like that, in Marbella, but I like northern countries better.
    I've been to Vienna and Prague too, I think these are both beautiful cities. I'll definitely go back to Vienna, because one day wasn't enough there. 🙂
    I often take only 1-2 day long trips, that's how I visited Tallin and Helsinki too. Estonia and Tallin is my current favourite, I would really like to go back there sometime, the country is so beautiful and the people are so calm! But I think it's true for Finland, too. I really enjoyed my trip there too.
    I also spent some days in Poland, and Slovakia, and I'm pretty sure I forgot some really nice places, like Gibraltar...
    My next destinations are Belarus, Sicily, and Croatia. Belarus to know where I am from (my mother is belarussian), Sicily to attend a summer school, and Croatia, because it's not far and a really nice country. Next year I hope to visit Slovenia and/or Montenegro, and some northern country too, like Sweden, which is always a plan, but somehow I always end up in another country! 🙂

  • 어린시절의 즐거움

    My most fond memories are about my dog, Totó, who passed away in january, 2018. He was my best friend who also taught me what it means to be responsible for another living creature. We've spent days playing, hiking, or listening to music (his favourite, Four Seasons by Vivaldi - you can tell he was a noble soul! 🙂 ). He also liked chasing birds, chewing up my favourite balls and drinking goat's milk.
    I will always remember the first morning together: I was looking for my slippers, then found some pieces of it in his fur and under the dinner table....

  • 저는 ~에 대하여 걱정됩니다.

    The future of the Earth and humanity. But I try to be optimistic, even though people seem to be unable to learn from history or believe scientists.

  • 세상을 더 좋은 곳으로 만들기

    I believe we can't save the whole world, but definitely can make it better for a few around us. I believe in the importance of acting locally, be it about children, animals, our environment, or something totally different.

