

  • 4
  • Mein Interesse an anderen Kulturen

    I very interested in American, Japanese, Chinese and other cultures.

  • Ich bin ein Experte in...

    I`m an expert at sending memes, HTML coding and other geek stuff

  • Lieblingsbuch/-autor/-film

    - Watchmen
    - Son of Tarzan
    - Old MARVEL comic books
    - DC comic books

  • Meine größte Errungenschaft

    FCE Cambridge Exam diplom

  • Ich habe vor Kurzem gelernt...

    I recently learned about AOL (America Online) and games published by AOL

  • Persönliche Fähigkeiten

    - HTML coding
    - Looking for interesting versions of old viddeogames
    - Being a liitle bit stupid

  • Ich rede immer gerne über...

    I would like to talk about comic books, culture, videogames and other geek stuff

  • Meine Eltern und ich

    My dad works as a taxi driver. My mum is a teacher in school for kids with mental retardation

