

  • 5
  • Persoonlijke vaardigheden

    Some of my personal skills is that I am a somewhat good marksman (shooting) and I am fairly good with animals.

  • Ik maak me zorgen over...

    I feel concern about many things but my top three is how few people are Christian, the fact that many countries are planning to attack Israel, and that Russia and the US are never getting along.

  • 10 jaar vanaf nu

    In the military, during one of my action deployments

  • Voor één jaar in het buitenland wonen

    I could live abroad for one year I would probably go too Switzerland because of its natural beauty.

  • Overschat of onderschat

    Something very underrated is snakes, a lot of people are scared of snakes for no good reason. Granted some snakes are poisonous but if more people were careful it would be fine. Snakes in my opinion are one of the best animals.

  • Mijn mening over de menselijke aard

    Human nature is very odd, some people are the best others the worst. But you will always have the bad out weighing the good. Humans are naturally terrible

