

  • 4
  • Расскажите что-нибудь

    Hi! My name is Marine, by the way i don’t really like my name, i’m 20 and very soon 21 (omg that’s scared me to write it). I lived in France (south west) near Bordeaux.
    What can i say about me and my interesting life (of course it’s not true) ?
    I’m not going to write a book, but i reallyyyyyy like traveling, i love reading, and i’m a big fan of Harry Potter but i have to confess that Slytherin is my house, i watch A LOT of series (GOT, Vikings, Stranger things...), i love taking photos.
    I’m an open minded person and that’s very important for me. I’m here because my english sucks when i have to write it so I need help, but it’s not just for that. I can be very shy in reality but here it’s a way for me to meet people from other countries, etc..

    I will be very happy to talk with you! (Sorry about my spelling mistakes)

  • Города и страны, которые я посетил

    J'ai eu l'occasion de visiter plusieurs pays dont :
    - le Portugal qui reste pour moi et mes parents notre pays coup de cœur dès notre premier voyage qui remonte maintenant à plus de 10 ans, et depuis on y va tous les ans,
    - l'Espagne et l'Italie,
    - les Etats-Unis avec notamment Philadelphie, le Texas, le Nouveau Mexique, et surtout la Nouvelle-Orleans qui reste mon endroit préféré de tous, et j'envisage d'y retourner,
    - et pour finir l'année dernière j'ai eu l'occasion de partir en Ecosse pour presque deux mois en travaillant en tant que volontaire en échange du logement et de la nourriture, c'était une expérience hyper enrichissante pour moi puisque j'ai pu découvrir l'Ecosse où je n'avais jamais été tout en améliorant mon anglais.

    I had the opportunity to visit several countries including:

    - Portugal, which remains for me and my parents our favorite from our first trip that goes back more than 10 years, and every year,
    - Spain and Italy,
    - the United States with Philadelphia, Texas, New Mexico, especially New Orleans, which remains my favorite place of all,
    - and finally last year I had the opportunity to go to Scotland for almost two months working as a volunteer, it was a very rewarding experience for me I was able to discover Scotland where I had never been while improving my English.
