

  • 7
  • Kaupungit ja maat, joissa olen vieraillut

    I have never been to abroad, hopefully I will get the chance in the future.I have been to my capital city in Kenya Nairobi only.

  • Parhaimmat saavutukseni

    To go abroad probably New Zealand, USA or Canada to live and work

  • Vieraat kulttuurit

    I have an interest in the western culture the way they do there things.i would love to be civilised.

  • Olen hyvä...

    I may be not good at anything but I am better in learning many new things in short ready to explore.

  • Henkilökohtainen haaste

    I always hate that I can't predict things and it come true or not even guessing.

  • Lempikirjat/kirjailijat/elokuvat

    I don't have any favourite books,since I don't read oftenly.But I love films, infact all action movies.

  • Aihe, johon et koskaan kyllästy

    I don't have specific things to talk about,since then I prefer to shut up

  • Vuosi ulkomailla asuen

    I will love to live in abroad for even more than 5 years

  • Maailman parantaminen

    To make the world a better place is may be planting indeginius and conserving water catchment areas.

  • Taidot

    I can say I am not that skilled in anything but I am flexible and adaptable to anything!?

  • Lapsuusajan huvit

    I will always like driving toy cars with my friends, we could also like to act like teachers disciplining students so we could get sticks and wipe the posts

  • Opin hiljattain...

    I recently learnt that you don't need to know everything but you need to lean something coz life is a lesson.

  • 10 vuoden kuluttua

    I see my self driving a nice car, having a family.

  • Olen innoissani...

    I don't know but to me is that I find my self exciting when I drive a lorry or a wheelloader.

