

  • 6
  • Waar ik het meest trost op ben

    My proudest accomplishments are doing well in school. In order to have the career that I want it's what I have to do.

  • Je favoriete boek/schrijver/films

    I love to watch movies and tv shows about crimes and murders, 2 of my top favorites are NCIS and Law and Order: SVU. I have always loved those shows.

    I read sometimes , usually the books I read are about high school and about someone going through something and they need help with it. So kinda like a self help book

  • Genieten van de kindertijd

    I always loved being outside and i still do ! It always has been fun for me, I could be outside all day no matter what the weather was. I also loved to play sports I was very active

  • Het verbeteren van het schoolsysteem

    Something I wish That would still be taight in the school systems near me is writing in cursive. I do know that there are a lot of school systems that do still teach it but around where I live not many still do. I think it’s very upsetting that children don’t learn it because that’s how you need to sign for things and it’s just necessary. When I was in elementary school, the only way you could turn in a paper was that it had to be written in cursive.

  • Persoonlijke vaardigheden

    - speak English
    - cpr/ first aid certified
    - love sports

  • 10 jaar vanaf nu

    I would like to be graduated from college and traveling around the world. I also would like to be teaching at this time and travel during the summer. It would be really nice to be able to travel to different countries and states

  • Mijn interesses in andere culturen

    I would love to learn how different some things are in different cultures and lifestyles. Learning about those things are very interesting to me and sometimes we could use some of other peoples traditions to help our own family or household.

  • Mijn ouders en ik

    My parents and I are very close. We usually get along very well, every family has their arguments and falls but we just come right back together afterwards.

