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  • ¡Algo que decir al mundo!

    Hey, my name is Silvia!
    I am a shy girl from a little town near Florence, but now I live in Forlì as an out-of-town student at the University of Bologna, Faculty of Interpreting and Translation. I want to improve my Spanish, my German, my English and my Russian, but I'm also interested in learning any other language and getting to know the culture and traditions of other countries and new people.
    If you are interested we can exchange real cards or postcards too.
    Feel free to message me!!

  • Libros/autores/películas de tu preferencia

    I'm a little bibliophile with big tea problems. I read everything, ranging in every genre from romance to horror, from detective stories to historical novels, but my favorite books are fantasy, science fiction and dystopian. Some of my favorite authors are: Leigh Bardugo, Victoria Schwab, Jay Kristoff, Stephen King, and Katherine Arden. I also really enjoy reading manga, comics, and graphic novels and I'm a big fan of literature. I really appreciate English and American literature, in particular the novels of the Brontë sisters, Jane Austen, Charles Dickens, Orwell and Hemingway, French literature with Baudelaire, Stendhal and Zola, and Hispanic literature with Márquez, Unamuno and Galdos. As far as Italian literature is concerned, my favorite authors are Pascoli, Pirandello (Uno, nessuno e centomila is one of my favorite books), Montale and Calvino. Slowly I'm also approaching Russian literature with the works of Tolstoy and Dostoevsky.

    I'm a movie buff. I love going to the cinema by myself or with my friends to see new releases, both big blockbusters like Marvel movies and niche films. I'm also addicted to TV series and anime and really enjoy watching them curled up on the couch or bed with a good cup of tea.

    I also love music! Especially old school rock, metal, hard rock and punk.

  • Ciudades y países que he visitado

    I'm a globetrotter with a great passion for photography and art. I love to capture the beautiful moments and all the beautiful things I see around the world with my camera, visit museums and always learn something new about other cultures.

    I have visited many cities in different countries and, of course, in Italy. My favorite destinations among those I've visited so far are Vienna, Paris, Prague, Budapest, Rome, Venice, Taormina and New York, but I think that, in one way or another, every place is fascinating for its own reason. So it's safe to say that, for one reason or another, I've loved every place I've been to.

    I would like to visit Spain, Russia (especially St. Petersburg and Moscow) and Japan. I love Japan and its culture! One of my dreams is to celebrate the cherry blossoms there. But generally I think I want to see every corner of this curious and crazy world.

  • Mis intereses en otras culturas

    I'm very fascinated by learning about new cultures. I'm especially interested in folklore, art and of course... food!
    I love to try new dishes and that's why when I'm traveling I always try the local gastronomy. it's one of my favorite parts of trip!

  • Siempre disfruto hablar sobre...

    Although I initially appear as a very quiet person due to shyness, I'm very talkative. I really like to talk and any topic is fine. The important is chatting! So if you want we can talk about anything.

