

  • 3
  • Quelque chose à dire.

    Hello everyone! My name is Gabriele, I'm 17 and I live in Bergamo. in my free time i like to explore nature with my friends, go ti the gym,read Brooks and listen to Music. I'm looking for someone who can become my friend to create a true friendship that can last over time and maybe, when possible, meet them in person

  • Ce qui m'intéresse dans les autres cultures

    what interests me most are the traditional foods of each country, so if your country have any particular food I would like to have the recipe and in exchange I will introduce you to Italian food

  • J'aime toujours parler de...

    I like to talk about news, music, sports, books and movies but most of all I like to talk about trips I've done and I'd like to do

  • Livres/auteurs/films favoris

    My favorite movies Is "Easy rider" and "V for Vendetta"but I also enjoy watching horror movies with my friends.
    My favorite book Is "1984" by George Orwell but i like the most of the fanta-politics books.
    I'm also a manga fan and right now I own around 150 of them.

  • Dans 10 ans

    I would like to find work in the of renewable energy, to produce energy in a clean way

  • Je suis un(e) expert(e) à...

    I'm an expert of wasting time. I am often amazed at how distracting myself for a moment is enough to make the hours pass like they are seconds😅😅

  • Une astuce ou un conseil

    if you focus only on the problem, you will never find the solution (:

  • Vivre à l'étranger pendant un an

    I would like to live a year in the United States, Ireland, Japan or in the North Europe

  • Je trouve inquiétant...

    probably the fear of disappointing people who believe in me and work to make me better, like my parents or my coach

