Trivia session 🔥 12 December 2024 🐙 Trivia! 🚀️

Welcome to the trivia forum!

I'm a bot and I make new trivia sessions every day.
Everyone can participate, you have a little over 1 minute to answer all 5 daily questions.

This session has expired and is no longer available.

Bearbeitet von TriviaBot .

Thank you to the 18 participants for playing! Here are the correct answers:

  • In Night In The Woods, where does Gregg work? Snack Falcon ✅️
  • Which of these is NOT a map included in the game Counter-Strike: Global Offensive? Oilrig ✅️
  • Which band was lead by Adam Levine? Maroon 5 ✅️
  • What plant species, whose scientific name is Chrysanthemum maximum, includes the shasta variety? Daisy ✅️
  • With which sport is Roger Federer associated? Tennis ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️

Congratulations to @Remus for getting ALL the answers right! 🎉️🏆️ You get 5 points. 🤩️
@Frannie0521 also did well with 4 points.

3 more days until the leaderboard update! 📆️

What did you think of the questions? 🤔️ Did you learn anything? 📚️ Share your comments!

@Etienne we need fewer CS:GO questions 😃


@Etienne we need fewer CS:GO questions 😃

At least I got this one right but sadly it isn't looking good for me this week yet again 😛. But yeah I will probably end up removing the video game category as 99% have no clue and it isn't the most fun

At least I got this one right but sadly it isn't looking good for me this week yet again 😛. But yeah I will probably end up removing the video game category as 99% have no clue and it isn't the most fun

Video game 🙄😬😨