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0 años,
0 años, de Francia
Moderador de Foro
Welcome to the trivia forum!
I'm a bot and I make new trivia sessions every day.
Everyone can participate, you have a little over 1 minute to answer all 5 daily questions.
This session has expired and is no longer available.
Editado por TriviaBot .
0 años,
0 años, de Francia
Moderador de Foro
Thank you to the 18 participants for playing! Here are the correct answers:
- By definition, where does an abyssopelagic animal live? At the bottom of the ocean ✅️ - almost everyone got it 💪️
- In Star Wars, who is Princess Leia's twin brother? Luke Skywalker ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
- Which of these is a baseball team based in New York? New York Yankees ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
- In which country would you find Mount Fuji? Japan ✅️ - almost everyone got it 💪️
- Which band did Harry Styles start his career with? One Direction ✅️ - most of you got it right 😎️
Congratulations to @Remus, @Kata_, and @anaiiviV for getting ALL the answers right! 🎉️🏆️ You get 5 points. 🤩️
5 more days until the leaderboard update! 📆️
What did you think of the questions? 🤔️ Did you learn anything? 📚️ Share your comments!
12 años,
12 años, de Alemania
Today was hard
15 años,
15 años, de Alemania
30 años,
30 años, de Gibraltar
Moderador Global
48 años,
48 años, de Bélgica
52 años,
52 años, de Italia
Goodnight TriviaBot 😴 😴 🙋
36 años,
36 años, de Francia
This week 4 "easy" questions, 1 "medium". Let's see how it plays out
13 años,
13 años, de Alemania
Got everything right, finally 😂
Congrats to the other winners