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颠言论:• ChrisM883 Taiwan is not yours 22:35
You wont invade until its sure TSMC will not blow u their fabs 22:36
Better shut up kid you will bring us in trouble, right? 22:38

颠言论:Chris u know that I always attack russian right? u know why?
you are a spy
you are from a Terrorist organizations

Where is the rest of the dialogue, EmmaWWu?

Completely different meaning without these fragments. And be careful what you blame for!

Was ist das?🤔

Where is the rest of the dialogue, EmmaWWu?

Completely different meaning without these fragments. And be careful what you blame for!


Where is the rest of the dialogue, EmmaWWu?

Completely different meaning without these fragments. And be careful what you blame for!

why can i still see u keep jumping out☠️💀💀💀 i did block u

Was ist das?🤔
nothing just to warning people leave away from them because they'll attack u lol💀😅😂😂😂

Where is the rest of the dialogue, EmmaWWu?

Completely different meaning without these fragments. And be careful what you blame for!

stoppp thrill me u are in big trouble😅😅😅😅😅u are a spy xddddddddddddddddddddd

Grow up first and learn to control your blaming (freaking up like a bomb)

Grow up first and learn to control your blaming (freaking up like a bomb)

omg do u know i'm 14 and u are 40, and what u did yesterday is keep and keep attack a girl who is 26 years smaller than u 💀💀💀💀

Grow up first and learn to control your blaming (freaking up like a bomb)

Grow up first and learn to control your blaming (freaking up like a bomb)

Who gave you a sense of superiority? Hitler? Does it make you feel like attacking a stranger girl makes you appear very powerful?

First you set me on ignore list, then you post twice a forum entry with blaming me a racist and give shorten dialogues with missing entrys and write comments Im a racist in my Profile...

Do you want to be bannend from this site?

Again: Be careful what you blame!

The forum isn't a place to blame or ostracize other people based on personal grievances. Stop contacts now or you will face a ban.

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