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你好,我是一名法国人,希望学习中文,能够正确地读、写、说。我有一个discord, fb, whatsap. 我可以帮助你学习法语或谈论其文化。 所以,如果你有时间,而且你是认真的,请不要犹豫,给我发信息。

I'd like help your Chinese and practice my French with you.

we created a website https://www.chinese-learning.me to help people learning Chinese. It's free, many stuffs on it. if you like, you can use them to improve your skills.

also we will create a Chinese meetup group for learner and recruit some Chinese volunteer. later if you like, come and practice.

Anyone....can provide workbook or some practice sheet type for chinese mandarin alphabets(soft copy)....cuz I just blank off while searching that which one to get?

Anyone....can provide workbook or some practice sheet type for chinese mandarin alphabets(soft copy)....cuz I just blank off while searching that which one to get?

no need find anything else. just go to my website and click the first picture. so far, it's the best.
also I will put Chinese stuff on that forum so that more people can use them. please put your requirement there.

But it takes me to nursery rhymes 🙂.....written only in chinese

Salut! Je m’appelle Mingfei! Je parle chinois!


Wow i love your avatar
I have a Siamese cat

Salut Ganyu! Je suis chinoise. Je parle chinois

我可以帮助你 如果你还没有找到的话 我也会英语可以用英语交流

hi,ganyu,nice to meet you,i am a boy from China,if you need,i can be your friend,嗨,ganyu,很高興見到你,我是一個來自中國的男生,如果你需要的話,我可以成爲您的朋友

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