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26 ans,
26 ans, de Italie
I'm doing a survey to find out which are the most popular names around the world, please write me and your preferred name may not be in your country
34 ans,
34 ans, de France
Er I don't know
Ashley (USA)
Daniel/Edwin/Faoltierna (UK)
Laura (Italy)
Camille (France)
Tymour (Russia)
Isabella (Spain)
Tarja (Finland)
Liu (China)
Sakura (Japan)...
And I don't know. It's first names which came to my spirit. 🙂
Édité par Phoebelycia .
27 ans,
27 ans, de États-Unis
I like Misty, Bryce, Nathalie, Steven, Melanie.
29 ans,
29 ans, de Sri Lanka
Milena,Camille,Diana for girls and Michael,James,Maxxie for boys 🙂
Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.