find a friend who can teach me a little French🌟 Français

I'm interested in French. If you can teach me French, I can teach you Chinese (if you want...)

I know a bit of French, not a pro

Good afternoon, Maria! How are you ? I will help you if you want and you will help me to learn your birth language on the same time. Sincerely yours François!

Good afternoon, Maria! How are you ? I will help you if you want and you will help me to learn your birth language on the same time. Sincerely yours François!
Well, my birth language is russian

I know Maria and I m doing my best now to learn Russian ( I m trying to learn your birth language with duo linguo app each time I can even if it s not very easy for an old fool like me ). Have a nice day Maria. François

Oh, sure then, I’ll only be glad to help you)

Hmm I wanna improve my French and learn some Esperanto

fine ,so?




Never mind 😆

Salut Eighty,
I'm French and I would like to learn Mandarin (but I'm a total beginner; I've only been to China once).
See you soon

Bonjour à tous je viens du Mexique je connais un peu Français mais je veux l’améliorer, si quelqu’un pouvait m’aider et je leur apprendrais ma langue

Hola me llamao EDWING estoy interesado en aprender frances con fluidez me pueden enseñar por favor

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