I am going to France in two weeks! HELP! Français

I am going to France in two weeks and I have been learning French in school for three years now but its hard for me to talk to someone in French and understand what they're saying. I need help with my French and what i should know when in France 🙂

Add me, or comment on my profile 🙂


I am super jealous 😛

Hi Pari !
If you have got many problems with French language or French Traditions etc ... I'm Here !
Sorry for my English 🙂
Bisous ! You can write me 🙂


I'm not sure, how to start learning French. Could you help me or give me some advices?


try that : http://www.dummies.com/store/product/French-For-Dummies.productCd-0764551930.html
and that : http://www.dummies.com/store/product/French-Phrases-For-Dummies.productCd-0764572024.html
for begin.

Good luck.

PS : i have "l'anglais pour les nuls" or in your language "the english for dummies" and this book is good.

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