I am going to France in two weeks! HELP! Français

I am going to France in two weeks and I have been learning French in school for three years now but its hard for me to talk to someone in French and understand what they're saying. I need help with my French and what i should know when in France 🙂

Add me, or comment on my profile 🙂


I am super jealous 😛

Hi Pari !
If you have got many problems with French language or French Traditions etc ... I'm Here !
Sorry for my English 🙂
Bisous ! You can write me 🙂


I'm not sure, how to start learning French. Could you help me or give me some advices?


try that : http://www.dummies.com/store/product/French-For-Dummies.productCd-0764551930.html
and that : http://www.dummies.com/store/product/French-Phrases-For-Dummies.productCd-0764572024.html
for begin.

Good luck.

PS : i have "l'anglais pour les nuls" or in your language "the english for dummies" and this book is good.

Ce sujet est inactif depuis un moment et est désormais en lecture seule.