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salut je m'appelle Chiara.
I'm from Germany and I speak German, english and a little bit spanish and french. My mom don't allow me to learn french in school because she is afraid that I will no longer concentrate on spanish. I love french and woud be so happy if someone want to help me with the language. 🙂 chiara<3
Hi chiara ! je m'appelle oceane ! i come from france and i will be happy to help you for learning french ( my english is not the better but i'm sure i can help you if you want to exchange messages with someone ! 🙂 )
Hallo Chiara, wie geht es dir?
I am Sandrine, nice to meet you! I like german language and i am trying my best to learn it. If you want i can help you with your french as well 🙂 A bientôt
salut je m'appelle Chiara.
I'm from Germany and I speak German, english and a little bit spanish and french. My mom don't allow me to learn french in school because she is afraid that I will no longer concentrate on spanish. I love french and woud be so happy if someone want to help me with the language. 🙂 chiara<3
Je m'appelle Piero Alonso. J'ai vingt-quatre ans. Je suis celibataire. Je suis étudiant en français et un philosophie. Je adore lire et mange baguette. Je suis péruvien. Je habite à Lima.
I'd love to practices my languages with anyone interested.
salut je m'appelle Chiara.
I'm from Germany and I speak German, english and a little bit spanish and french. My mom don't allow me to learn french in school because she is afraid that I will no longer concentrate on spanish. I love french and woud be so happy if someone want to help me with the language. 🙂 chiara<3
Salut je suis française, je peux t'aider, par contre je ne parle pas allemand !
salut je m'appelle Chiara.
I'm from Germany and I speak German, english and a little bit spanish and french. My mom don't allow me to learn french in school because she is afraid that I will no longer concentrate on spanish. I love french and woud be so happy if someone want to help me with the language. 🙂 chiara<3
Salut everyone! I'm learning French as a 3rd Langauge in school for d past 6 months, so if anyone can help me in it, I wud seriously be a gift to me 💝