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últimos mensajes
33 años,
33 años, de Canadá
February 14, 2010 03:04
February 14, 2010 03:04
I live in canada, and really want help learning french. if anyone could help me, that would be great!
31 años,
31 años, de Francia
Miembro Nuevo
February 14, 2010 10:27
February 14, 2010 10:27
hey! I live in French and I help you for the french!
Kiss .
I don't speak much English or with difficulty
32 años,
32 años, de Francia
February 14, 2010 13:38
February 14, 2010 13:38
Hello ! I can help you if you want, I live in France.
I add you on my msn.
See you 😉
30 años,
30 años, de Bélgica
February 14, 2010 15:11
February 14, 2010 15:11
Hi ! I can help you too if you want 😆
I'm from Belgium 😆
And I love it ! (I'd like to become teacher later)
Bye ♥
30 años,
30 años, de Francia
February 20, 2010 10:50
February 20, 2010 10:50
Hello 😃
I wanna become language teacher later and my english isn't pzerfect at all 😁
I may can help you with french and you can help me with my english ?
34 años,
34 años, de Canadá
August 19, 2010 06:09
August 19, 2010 06:09
im french canadian ,can i help u ?
let me know
31 años,
31 años, de Francia
Miembro Nuevo
September 20, 2010 16:52
September 20, 2010 16:52
I live in Paris so I can help you and you can help me : my english is really not perfect.
We can speak through msn or mail.
See you
31 años,
31 años, de Bélgica
Miembro Nuevo
October 06, 2010 12:06
October 06, 2010 12:06
Bonjouur 🙂
Je viens de Belgique et je peux t'aider avec le Francais si tu veux! Moi je cherche a apprendre l'Anglais 🙂
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